Online Business Design Basics “An award winning website does not happen by chance. Popular websites, and sites that consistently generate a lot of traffic (and perhaps a lot of revenue) have a series of design principals in
common. When properly executed, a website design will be easy to navigate, load in an acceptable amount of time, provide needed customer services, and leave the potential customer with a desire to return at a future date.”
It is important to the success of your Miva Merchant online shopping cart to follow some basic site construction guidelines. We have documented
here 10 design guidelines that we have found to be most important to many of our customers. - The design of a website should be consistent with its objectives. If you're trying to sell a product or service it should attract the customers you want, keep them coming back, present all the information they need to make a buying decision, convince them to buy, and make it easy for them to order and pay. The site should
make money for you. Similar truths apply if you're providing information, advocating a cause,
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