Email Marketing Software Systems & Using Sequential Autoresponders Free Teleconference Training
First we’ll take a look at how you can put email marketing software systems to work with you using
sequential autoresponders. Second, I’ll walk you through the process of writing your own serial autoresponder messages that sell like wildfire.
BONUS: Your FREE email marketing software and sequential autoresponder training also includes a free, full-featured, sequential autoresponder system to use on your own Web site! Discover How To: - Sell Your Products Like Hot Cakes Using Serial Autoresponders
- Transform Your Leads Into Paying Customers By Just Staying In Touch Via e-Mail
- Build Your Downline At Warp Speed Without Working Longer
Hours Or Increasing Your Advertising Budget
- Rake In Mobs Of New Subscribers For Your Newsletter While You Sleep, Play, Dine, Whatever!
And Do It All On Autopilot! By the time you've completed this 70 minute teleconference on serial
autoresponders, you’ll not only know exactly what a ‘serial autoresponder’ is, you will: - Clearly understand why this marketing technique is so effective and how to leverage its marketing potential.
- Where in your marketing plan an autoresponder will fit and why.
- You’ll be able to write a series of autoresponder messages to
sell single products, multiple products, services and just about anything you can think.
- Get a copy of my totally free, high quality, full featured, ad-ware free, autoresponder system that you can use on your own business Web site starting immediately.
A Time Saving Money Maker If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you know there’s gold in your follow up. Follow up is what a serial autoresponder is all about. Whether you’re doing business online, offline or both, your profits will dramatically increase by following up your prospects and turning them into customers and your customers into repeat buyers. Earning an income online doesn't have to be a hassle. Plug in the right
components to a good serial autoresponder and your online business can run on autopilot. You get more free time and have the money to enjoy it. First, you need to set up a follow up serial autoresponder system. You HAVE to follow up with your prospects, customers, subscribers and downline. Finding an autoresponder is easy. The difficult and time consuming part is writing effective follow up messages... until now.
"Make More Money Using Serial Autoresponders" training is the solution to your serial autoresponder software and autoresponder message writing hassles. This professionally written, tested, and fully personalizable training and software combination gives you the freedom to simply personalize, plug-in and forget about it. And Don't Forget We Give You FREE Serial Autoresponder Software! Research has shown that it takes five to seven impressions before a prospect actually takes action and makes a purchase. Do you have enough time in your day to follow up with all of your current customers and prospects? That’s, of course, in addition to answering information requests from other
potential clients and getting your regular work done, every single day. YES, you do! But you have to automate your business and let as much as possible run on autopilot. This one technique alone has increased our sales by 392%. You can automate almost your entire marketing, administration and follow up
process to a serial autoresponder while you increase your profits. Your ticket to online automation is your bank of autoresponders. Autoresponders are simply email accounts loaded with your pre-written follow up messages. Using this soft sell approach to marketing your stuff, builds a long term relationship with your prospects. When your prospects trust you, they'll buy from you. "Your marketing runs on autopilot as your autoresponder messages create a funnel of prospects who buy what you tell them to." |